6 Tips That Would Let You Know If Your Eggs Are Still Fresh

How To Check If Your Eggs Are Fresh

There might be no sure way to know how fresh an egg is since you cannot tell merely by looking at it. Often times, we boil an egg only to discover that it has gone bad.

Not to worry though, there are different ways to check how fresh an egg is and you do not have to worry yourself about finding fresh eggs any longer.

Below are some sure ways to know if your eggs are still fresh:


1. Perceive it

This method requires you to crack the egg and take a sniff. If the egg has a foul smell, then it is definitely past its due date.

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3. Do a float test

This is the most commonly used method to know if an egg is good or bad, though not 100% accurate but it saves you the stress of having to smell —foul eggs.

Get a container of water and gently place the eggs into the container, if the egg sinks to the bottom of the container then it means the egg is fresh but if it tilts to the side or floats at the top of the container, then the egg has definitely gone bad.


4. Do a visual inspection

Break the egg in a bowl and inspect by looking closely at the albumen, if it is pink, green or iridescent then it’s contaminated by Pseudomonas bacteria and not safe for consumption, throw out the egg. It will make your stomach turn and give you a bad breath.

5. Hold the egg up to your ear and shake it, listening for a sloshing sound.

As the egg ages and moisture and carbon dioxide escapes through the shell, the yolk and white begin to dry out and shrink, and the air pocket in the egg becomes bigger.

A larger air pocket gives the egg more room to move around inside the shell and that is what creates a sloshing sound.

A fresh egg should not make much, if any, sound when you shake it.
A sloshing egg only indicates that the egg is old and does not mean the egg is unsafe for consumption.


6. Crack the egg open on a plate or in a large bowl and check the quality of the yolk and white.

The freshness of an egg will lessen as it ages, so it won’t hold together as well as a fresh egg. Notice if the egg seems to spread over a wide distance on the plate, or if it stays relatively compact. An egg that spreads or seems a little watery has a thinner white and is past its peak freshness.

If the yolk is flat and breaks easily, the egg is old. If the yolk moves around easily, this means the chalazae (the thicker strands of egg white that hold the yolk in place) have weakened and the egg is aging.

Look at the color of the egg white. A cloudy white indicates a very fresh egg. A clear white means the egg is older (but may still be edible


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