Get Your Boyfriend To Propose This Christmas With These 7 Tips

How To Get Your Boyfriend To Propose

How To Get Your Boyfriend To Propose


Have you been seeing someone for a while in the hope that it would lead to marriage or maybe you are not sure of your place in his life anymore, then this post is for you.

If you are longing or eager for a proposal this Christmas, here are some tips that will help you.

1. Become indispensable

If your boyfriend is dragging his feet when it comes to proposing, it doesn’t mean he does not see you as a part of his future.

He just needs to have a feeling inside of him that lets him know he can’t live the rest of his life without you by his side.

To make sure that he not only wants but needs you in his life, you have to become the complete package.

Also, a major part of becoming indispensable is to realize that your guy needs time away from you, as well.

Whether he spends this time apart reading a book, or hanging out with his friends, he will appreciate the fact that you are confident and secure in the relationship to give him a breather every now and then.

2. Focus on yourself

Although you may think that constantly catering to someone is the way to win their heart, you have to know it is definitely doing a lot more harm than good.

When it comes to making your guy feel the urge to propose, he needs to know that you value yourself, you have goals and dreams of your own, and you have a life outside of him.

Do you think he really wants to marry someone who is at his beck and call all seconds of the day? Of course, he is bound to get tired of it. Starting today, make plans to take the focus off of him, and place it back on yourself.

Pick up those old hobbies you stopped, get back in the gym, and start working on your body and life again.

3. Let him know you have options

Your guy knows you’re absolutely in love with him, and he trusts you with all his heart, but he needs to know that you definitely have other options and you are not ugly betty.

To get him up and doing, spark up a conversation with the cute guy that lives down your street or be open to receiving positive attention from other men while in your boyfriend’s presence. This would get him riled up positively.

You want your guy to know that not only are you attracted to other men, but they’re definitely attracted to you, too! And isn’t this the truth?

5. Let him know you are not particular about the cost or size of a ring.

If you’re waiting for a proposal, and you know your guy is hesitant about spending a lot of money, let him know you’ll be very happy to receive a smaller engagement ring that isn’t too expensive.

If you’re not completely particular about a diamond ring, you could also suggest a much cheaper gemstone of your preference.

If your guy knows that he doesn’t have to rob the bank to make you happy, he’ll be more inclined to buy you a ring that fits within his budget, and besides, you can always upgrade your ring later in life when the two of you are in a better financial position.

6. Quit the constant talk about weddings

Stop the constant chatter about the sort of wedding dress you want or the type of suit you’d like him to wear. Leave the type of house you’d want in the future for some other time.

You could be completely overwhelming and stressing the poor guy out with your incessant wedding chatter. Instead, just play it cool.

You have already let him know that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, he doesn’t need to know all the details about your dream wedding until after he puts a ring on your finger.


