These 4 Tips Would Help Every Woman Stop Nagging And Face Reality

how to stop nagging

As women, we tend to think that constantly talking about a problem will make your partner respond quickly to whatever you want them to do but over time, research has shown that this is not so.

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If you ask your partner to do a thing, and when they don’t do it straight away, you find yourself saying, ‘Errrrm, didn’t you agree to do the dishes?’, you could be accused of nagging.

Somehow, we convince ourselves that by repeating ourselves, our requests will sink in. But in reality we’re just nagging, and that becomes irritating for all involved.

Unfortunately we tend to nag the people we love because, most times, we feel they should know better, causing rifts in our more important relationships. It doesn’t need to be this way though .

Here’s how to break the nagging cycle.

1. Don’t put a time limit on it

Imagine you’ve asked your partner to fix an electrical issue after dinner, and an hour later they’re still sitting there, not making any attempt to do it. Your anxiety rises, and the more time ticks away, the more irritated you begin to feel. The question is, why put a time limit on something that isn’t so urgent?

Yes, if you’ve got people who are coming visiting, and you’ve asked your partner to tidy the living room while you take care of food, you’ve got a point. But ask yourself, does it really matter if the dishes don’t get done for a few hours while you watch a soap opera or your man watches a football match?

In fact, would the world end if he checks the plumbing in the morning? Yes, we did not think so too.

2. Ask yourself, who cares?

If your partner actually has no real interest in the thing you’re nagging about, then why are you asking them to do it? For example, if you’re nagging your partner to tidy up the hidden locker beneath the stairs when they really don’t care if it is there or not, they are not likely to do it.

Then why don’t you spend an hour doing it yourself?  As women, we should learn to pick our battles wisely.

3.  Stop stressing your head all for nothing

If your partner refuses to respond to your request for them to do a task, don’t assume that by asking them to do it again will result in a different outcome – instead, change tactics.

If they ignore your request to take out the trash, place the bag in their path when they leave the house in the morning. That way they will not be able to ignore it.

By that, you have solve a problem without having to talk too much.

4. Should you just do it yourself?

It’s worth considering that sometimes it’s better to just do some things yourself instead of always talking and being taken as a chatterbox and a nag. We are not saying that you should always cave in and pick around after your partner, but if your partner doesn’t do things up to your standards, it might be you with the problem, not them.

Have you stopped to consider if they are doing things the way they know how to and if you are not being patient enough to show them how to improve?

If you need something done to precise standards, make sure you tell your partner exactly what you want them to do and how. Don’t ask him or her to dress the bed and wonder why they didn’t sweep too. Set them up for success rather than setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you’re still not convinced, see if you can remember the last time that nagging worked for you. And if it did, ask yourself if it was worth the argument between you and your partner.

Also, consider the possibility that if you’re nagging your partner about small insignificant things, is it your way of ignoring a bigger problem that abounds in your relationship?

Ladies, let the nagging stop, quit exhausting yourself and your partner, and concentrate on what really matters in your relationship, concentrate on your happiness and peace and let that count.

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