How To Use Pineapple To Cure Acne Easily

Pineapple acts as an exfoliating agent and unclogs acne pores. Exfoliating naturally speeds up the production of new cells and this is also the same process that rejuvenates the skin.

The enzymes found in pineapple fight damage from free radicals and also cleanse the skin by gradually dissolving the whiteheads, blackheads and dead cells on the skin’s surface. This also unclogs the skin and prevents buildup that invites bacteria, which begins the acne cascade.

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple that speeds the healing process by helping the body eliminate metabolic waste from injuries. Acne cysts and larger postulates or pimples, leave behind skin injuries known as acne scars or marks.

Bromelain can help them heal faster and rebuild the skin by stimulating collagen production and bonding to the underlying collagen fibers. You can reap the many benefits of pineapple by eating the flesh, drinking the juice or by incorporating a bromelain supplement into your diet, which will provide more standardized benefits for your skin.

Vitamin C has numerous healing qualities. Applying vitamin C to the skin may have a beneficial effect due to its antioxidant properties. Correctly formulated vitamin C creams may protect against the aging effects of sunlight and also reduce wrinkles.

There is an abundance of vitamin C in fresh pineapple. Its antioxidant activity may help protect your body from free radical damage and also speed up the rebuilding of damaged skin cells from acne marks and scars which lead to visible signs of aging.

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Pineapple Mask to Fade Acne Scars

A mask of pineapple puree can be made in a blender and applied to acne scars and marks 3 times a week. Apply the pineapple puree directly to the affected areas and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off.

The enzyme activity on the skin will help fade acne marks while stimulating collagen production to make acne scars appear less deep and less noticeable. As an added benefit, the ascorbic acid in pineapples will fade current blemishes.

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