Are You A Fresh Graduate? These 5 Tips Would Help You Get On Your Feet

As a fresh graduate, you are going into the world, big dreams and hopes at the back of your mind- thinking of how to win, conquer, and change the world.

Most graduates actually get the shock of their lives when they find out that life hadn’t treated them the way they had imagined. some of them get depressed, suicidal, and listless and this should not be.

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To avoid that happening to you, we have combined a list of things every young graduate should know.

1. Yearn to see the world

The world is bigger than you think. It is definitely much bigger. You’ve heard stories, seen pictures.

You know some history and facts. But there’s something that can’t be learned any other way than by traveling to a city you don’t know, a place away from home, communicating in a language you don’t speak, tasting food you’ve never even heard of, debating issues with people who are utterly convinced they know everything.

Go see the world, at least some part of it. And don’t put it off until later. Later is more elusive than you think.

2. Save! Save! Save!

No matter how much or little money you make, start today and set aside 10% to invest or save long term. Most of us overlook disciplined saving until it’s too late for amendment.

Don’t be like the masses. Start now and do it automatically, each time you make a bank deposit.

Even small amounts can grow into fortunes when compound interest is applied. With time on your side, this is one of the best things you can do for your future.

Whatever you do, always know that you can never save enough.

3. Build your social life

Hard work and ability will only take you so far.  There are lots of jobless experts – and plenty of successful people with little talent.

When the right people like you, you have definitely got nothing to lose. Likability is key.

In business and beyond, we promote people we enjoy being around more than those who are just capable.

Your life should be lived in such a way that when you walk into a room, people are genuinely excited to see you, you are on your way to being exceptional.

4.  Find a mentor

Thing is, that need never goes away. We all long for someone to be out in front of us, clearing a path and shining a light on the road up ahead. It’s not as easy to find that person outside of school, but it’s most definitely worth the search.

Find someone who’s doing what you aspire to do and shadow them. Find a way to serve them. Ask smart questions. Listen more than you speak. A mentor is one of the most valuable treasures we forget to search for.

5. Do it afraid

Look at all the unhappy people around you complaining about their lives. Do you know why this is so? This happened because 100% of them are afraid to choose a different path or career than the one they previously chose.

This is your life. When you find yourself on the wrong path, change your mind. Change your direction. Do it boldly and with confidence, knowing that you will find your way. Even if the transition is tough, a new and better choice will always lead to a new and better life.

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