7 Important Conversations You And Your Partner Should Have If You Are Getting Serious

The life span of your relationship depends largely on the conversations you and your partner discuss and how truthful you both her to each other.

The importance of communication should never be overlook if you plan to make your relationship with your partner permanent. Through communication you can both share your feelings and thoughts about topics that affect your relationship both directly and indirectly.

By the time you decide to commit to a man as a lady, there are questions you should ask and their will determine whether it is worth your time or not.

If you will continue to build a healthy relationship, there are always subjects that must be discussed. This will help you know if your expectations from the relationship are the same or not.

Here are 7 important topics you should consider talking about.

1. About your future

For sure, thinking about what lies ahead for you two can be seriously anxiety provoking. Are you planning to go further with your education? Does your partner plan to move to another state? These are some topics your should endeavour to bring up about your plans for the future. Make sure to cover all the possibilities now so that, should one of them become a reality, you’ll be as prepared as possible.

2. Talk about your self-expression style

Why would you talk about fighting if you’re not actually mad at each other? Because learning about your partner’s communication style, especially when he wants to talk about something that’s bothersome, helps prevent big blow-ups down the road. Not everyone can communicate easily and you should find out if your partner falls into that category.

3. You should have the sex talk

Maybe you two have already done the deed a million times. That doesn’t necessarily mean you know exactly what your partner wants and likes in bed, and it’s probably a good idea to find out. Relationship experts say perceived sexual compatibility (as in, how well you think you guys work out sexually) can make or break a relationship. Whatever your preferences, be as open and as non-judgmental as possible during the discussion.

4. Have the finance talk

Even if you’ve never explicitly talked about money, you probably already have a vague idea of how much your partner makes and how he likes to spend a paycheck. Still, if there’s a possibility that you two might end up sharing a bank account or co-owning a house (or if you already are), it’s crucial to have a conversation about finances. This will also help you to realise who is a better money manager between the both of you.

5. Talk about your boundaries with the opposite sex

What constitutes cheating to your partner may not look the same to you. Don’t take your partner’s thoughts about infidelity for granted. This will determine how well you can relate with the opposite sex without offending him and how he can do the same. There are all kinds of relationships with all kinds of boundaries, so make sure to figure out what yours are before someone gets hurt.

6. Have the in-law conversation

We can all agree that most times getting along with the in-laws can be difficult at times. This is even more compounded when you have interfering ones. Talk to your partner about how much influence you are both willing to take from your individual families. This conversation will go a long way to determine how much peace you enjoy in your future home.

7. Are you ever going to get married?

If you are in a relationship and feel you do not know the direction it is going, it is better to speak up. Assuming your partner knows your expectations on marriage is never the right decision, you just have to lay it out there. If you feel he is taking forever to ‘put a ring on it’, the earlier you speak the faster you can save yourself some heart heart and time.

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