How To Deal With Infertility And Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant and bearing children is a desire of most women. Apart from the emotional satisfaction they get from nurturing life and bringing it into existence, pregnancy also makes it possible for them to fulfill their cultural role as women. Many societies don’t necessarily welcome with open arms, women who for any reason don’t bear children. For these reasons, the inability to achieve pregnancy is a major concern for most couples. To achieve pregnancy, a man must deposit sperm of the right quantity and quality into the uterus of a woman. The woman on the other hand must have a womb that can produce eggs, implant the fertilized egg, and hold it in place until it fully develops. Failure of a couple to achieve pregnancy despite adequate unprotected sexual intercourse for at least one year is referred to as infertility. The good news is that most couples will conceive within a year.

Factors that cause infertility

Male factors contribute to 40% of infertility, female factors contribute to another 40% while 10% of the cases are due to unknown factors.

Male factors include: 

  • low sperm count- men should avoid wearing tight pants as the increase in temperature can damage the testes and cause low sperm count. Infections such as mumps has also been shown to cause low sperm count.
  • abnormal sperm movement, structure and function making it impossible for the sperm to ascend into the womb
  • ejaculatory problems

Female factors include:

  • Failure of the womb to release eggs for fertilization (anovulation)
  • Infections from sexually transmitted diseases
  • Damage to the womb from previous abortions

Factors common to both males and females: 

  • Alcohol
  • High blood pressure
  • Advanced age

Steps to improving your chances of getting pregnant

  • Have adequate unprotected sexual intercourse

The keywords here are adequate and unprotected. Adequate means at least three times a week and on separate days. Avoid long-distance relationships. You must be with your partner if you intend to have adequate sexual intercourse. You must not be on any form of contraceptives during this period.

  • Know your fertile period

The normal cycle length is 21-35 days with an average of 28 days. A cycle begins the first day you see blood to the first day of the next time you see blood. The ovulatory phase of your cycle is the best time to get pregnant because that is the time your egg is released. To calculate your day of ovulation, count 14 days backward from the day you first see blood so if you have a 28-day cycle, your day of ovulation will be day14. This however may not be constant as your cycle may vary in length so it is safer to give a window period of 5 days before and 5 days after your presumed day of ovulation. These are the days when you must frequently have sex to increase your chances.

  • Eat healthy

A healthy diet helps improve ovulation. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Malnutrition reduces fertility so if you are obese or significantly underweight, you must pay attention to your diet.

  • Seek medical attention for any health condition you may have

Diseases can impair fertility. Don’t overlook any disease condition. If couples can’t achieve conception after a year of trying, they should see their doctors to get checked and treated for possible factors that may impair fertility.

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