How To Deal With Infertility And Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant and bearing children is a desire of most women. Apart from the emotional satisfaction they get from nurturing life and bringing it into existence, pregnancy also makes it possible for them to fulfill their cultural role as women. Many societies don’t necessarily welcome with open arms, women who for any reason don’t bear children. For these reasons, the …

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Bigger Breasts Tips

How To Self Examine Your Breasts For Lumps

Self breast examination simply means checking your breasts for changes such as lumps, ulcers, discoloration, and nipple discharge. It involves looking at your breasts for visible abnormalities and touching your breasts to feel for changes that may not be obvious to the eyes. Breast cancer has a better prognosis when detected early and the whole idea of self breast examination …

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How To Cure Body Odour Permanently

Body odour is any unpleasant smell that comes from your body. This includes bad breath, smelly feet, and even smelly hair. Body odour is particularly distressing because it can be difficult to get rid of. It is disturbing not just to you but to the people around you. Apart from the embarrassment, it causes you, it also takes away your …

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7 Healthy Tips To Help You Lose Weight

Many people find it hard to lose weight. They notice that they have accumulated a lot of extra fat and have absolutely no idea how to get rid of it. Excess fat is stored in your body when the intake of calories has exceeded energy expenditure over time. With better technology and the increase in the love of fast food, …

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How To Stop Picking Pimples

Natural & Healthy Ways To Cure Acne Permanently

Pimples, also called zits or acne is a skin problem that is a nightmare to most people. It commonly affects adolescents but can occur at any age. Apart from causing you discomfort and scarring your face, pimples can also take away your confidence. The solutions to pimples range from the use of oral antibiotics to topical treatments and to homemade …

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how to have a happy period sleep well

10 Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

Sleep is a normal mental and physical inactivity that is characterized by a marked reduction in the awareness and responsiveness to one’s environment.  You need sleep to be able to maintain a balanced physical and emotional state and recall recent memories.  Poor sleep will interfere with your daily activities and make you less productive so the need for good sleep …

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