7 Important Mistakes You Should Avoid Making At An Interview

Interview Mistakes To Avoid

The primary goal of an interview is to let the hiring manager know you are the perfect candidate for the job. However, there are some interview mistakes you should avoid.

You will do well by speaking effectively about your skills, experience, and why you need the job more than anyone else. In putting your best foot forward, there are some things you must avoid doing at the interview.

Here are seven interview mistakes you should avoid:

1. Showing up late

This is a no-brainer, as you don’t want your interviewer to get the wrong impression of you. Getting early to the venue of your interview speaks a lot about your personality.

It also gives the impression that not only do you lack the discipline and professionalism to show up when you say you will, but it also makes your interviewee(s) wonder if you don’t respect their time and your ability to follow through (as an employee and person).

2. Dressing inappropriately

Even though some companies in recent times have tried to be flexible with their style of dressing, your best bet is to try to be formal.

Remember, you are going for an interview, not a party.

3. Giving off negative body language

Avoid things like not making good eye contact, not smiling, fidgeting throughout the interview, crossing your arms, checking your phone, etc.

One of the things hiring managers pay attention to during an interview is body language.

4. Showing up unprepared

As soon as you know you have been shortlisted for an interview, you should start preparing. you will be shooting yourself in the foot if you show up unprepared.

Being prepared means you have read up about the company online and know a few things about what they do, practice potential interview questions and answers for the role you applied for, draft questions that demonstrate your interest in the organization, etc.

5. Speaking negatively about your former job or bosses

Never try to speak negatively or in a bad light about your former job or employers, no matter how horrible they were. You will be sending off the wrong signals if you do this.

If asked why you left a certain company or why you’re exploring other opportunities, share honest reasons that don’t bring harm to any person or entity. Great reasons include, “I’m looking forward to exploring new opportunities or a new industry.”.

RELATED: Stand Out At Your Next Interview By Asking These 5 Important Questions

6. Acting Desperate

Fine, you want a job but acting desperate is a major red flag. Don’t come off as someone willing to take just about anything the company offers.

No company wants a person who doesn’t know her worth.

7. Asking too early about salary and benefits

There is a time for everything, therefore, asking about salary during your interview is a no-no.

It may seem that you are only concerned about the paycheck rather than the work itself. It makes matters even worse if you were the only candidate who asked about it during the interview process.

You have plenty of time to inquire about salary and benefits after you receive the job offer.