This Is The Interesting Reason Why Entrepreneur, Laura Ikeji Showered Praises On Her Sister, Linda Ikeji

Laura Ikeji Praise Linda Ikeji

Laura Ikeji Praise Linda Ikeji

Entrepreneur, Laura Ikeji in a trending post on Instagram has showered praises on her big sister, Linda Ikeji for being a backbone and support to her and their entire family.

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She also lauded her sister for not just being financially open with them but being particular about them having their own successful businesses.

She wrote:

“This is my sister, her name is Linda, Linda is rich, not just money rich, she’s rich in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Linda made sure everybody in the family is rich. She didn’t only give us some ridiculous some of amount sometimes, she gave us knowledge, she made sure that when she withdraws our monthly allowances we could stand on our own.

I haven’t received any money from her in while, it was a choice because if I needed money all I needed to do was ask, but fortunately I learnt well from her and I’m not doing badly at all. She gave me fish and taught me how to fish. I took the Knowlege n I’m doing some amazing things with it #INCOMPLETE. Linda didn’t have to, she doesn’t owe us anything but she did. The Ikejis ‘re finacially strong individually because Linda decided to be Amazing Linda. #mysisterrocks#mondaymotivation #lindaismysister#iamgrateful”

We have her Instagram post below

This is my sister, her name is Linda, Linda is rich , not just money rich, she’s rich in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Linda made sure everybody in the family is rich. She didn’t only give us some ridiculous some of amount sometimes, she gave us knowledge, she made sure that when she withdraws our monthly allowances we could stand on our own. I haven’t received any money from her in while, it was a choice because if I needed money all I needed to do was ask, but fortunately I learnt well from her and I’m not doing badly at all. She gave me fish and taught me how to fish. I took the Knowlege n I’m doing some amazing things with it #INCOMPLETE. Linda didn’t have to, she doesn’t owe us anything but she did. The Ikejis ‘re finacially strong individually because Linda decided to be Amazing Linda. #mysisterrocks #mondaymotivation #lindaismysister #iamgrateful

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