8 Health Benefits Of Lemon Grass Tea

Lemongrass tea
Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass is a plant that has a lemon-like aroma and a citrus flavor. Commonly used as a flavoring in food and beverages, It is also inhaled as aromatherapy for many different conditions. However, Lemongrass tea does more than just make you feel good from within.

Lemongrass tea is packed with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antioxidant properties which help fight infections and diseases.

Health Benefits of Lemongrass Tea

1. It has antioxidant properties

Lemongrass tea is packed with antioxidants that help in detoxing and cleansing the body from within.

It also helps in the removal of toxins from the body by relieving fluid retention.

2. It helps the digestive system

Lemongrass tea works as a remedy for stomach cramping, upset stomach, and other digestive issues. A 2012 study also showed that lemongrass may also be effective against gastric ulcers.

The study found that the essential oil of lemongrass leaves can help protect the stomach lining against damage from aspirin and ethanol.

3. It treats yeast infections

Lemongrass oil contains citral and limonene, two important compounds that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. The oil possesses antibiotic-like effects, which can help treat yeast infections.

A 2015 report found that lemongrass essential oil may help inhibit the growth of Candida albicans, the fungus that causes yeast infections.

4. It boosts the immune system

Lemongrass has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help you cope with colds, coughs, and flu plus, it is loaded with Vitamin C which strengthens your immunity. Boil some fresh lemongrass along with some cloves, a pinch of turmeric, and tea leaves. This simple concoction is effective for breaking down mucus and phlegm buildup caused by congestion.

5. It reduces cancer risk

The citral in lemongrass is also thought to have potent anticancer abilities against some cancer cell lines. Several components of lemongrass help fight cancer. This occurs either by causing cell death directly or boosting your immune system so that your body is better able to fight off cancer on its own.

6. It helps with weight loss

Lemongrass tea is a great option for your weight loss diet plan as it helps in boosting your metabolism which makes digestion quicker and helps in burning more calories. A report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 showed that polyphenols found in natural plant compounds and the caffeine content in tea increases the use of energy and enhances the oxidation of fatty acids in the body.

7. It relieves menstrual pain

Lemongrass tea is considered excellent for women’s health. It provides relief from hot flashes and helps in reducing menstrual pain due to its soothing effect.

However, pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised to avoid lemongrass due to the workings of certain chemical compounds.  Lemongrass seems to be able to start menstrual flow, so there is a concern that it might cause a miscarriage.

8. Gives you healthy hair and skin

This might come as a huge surprise, but lemongrass can be your answer to clear skin and long locks! Lemongrass boasts antibacterial as well as anti-fungal properties, making it a good way to cleanse your skin. For this, you need to mix a few drops of lemongrass oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and apply it to your skin.

How to prepare lemongrass tea

Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add the lemongrass and boil for about 5 minutes.Strain the stalks from the liquid. Add lemon, ginger and sugar as desired.

Serve warm, or chill in the refrigerator and pour over ice.

Alternatively, you can dip a tea bag with dried lemongrass for ease.

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