Important Mistakes To Avoid While Planning Your Wedding (These 8 Are Some Of Them)

Mistakes To Avoid To Have A Successful Wedding

When planning for your wedding, you will be bombarded with a lot of suggestions and pieces of advice from people around you.

While some may be useful, others may not. The following below are mistakes you should totally stay clear of when planning for your wedding.

1. Wasting money

The wedding industry is fast becoming a lucrative industry, So while there are a lot of good suggestions out there, there is also advice from people who will profit from it.

Be careful that you are not spending money where you should not – whether it is being talked into a more expensive wedding dress, buying diamond rings, or hiring a limousine especially if your wedding and reception are at the same location.

Make sure you know your budget, what is important to you and what is not.

2. Forgetting what a wedding really is

The wedding ceremony is the main event – the reception is just a celebration of the wedding.

The most important aspect of it which you should make sure you put enough thought into are the music, Bible or Quranic readings, and vows that will make your wedding ceremony memorable.

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3. Not knowing the Master of Ceremonies (MC)

There are two people whose personalities are almost as important as the couple getting married. These are the MC and the DJ or band leader. Let’s face it, if both are boring and dry, your wedding ceremony is going to be uneventful and dry.

Also if your DJ is not creative, you may regret hiring him at the end of the day. Make sure that your personalities are in sync with these people so that you can enjoy your day.

4. Thinking it could never rain on your wedding day

So many couples forget to plan for things that may go wrong. If you are having an outdoor wedding, make sure that you have an alternate location in mind just in case it rains or make a standby provision for canopies.

Give a trusted person a list of vendors, phone numbers, and expected time of arrival so that you won’t be caught 10 minutes before the wedding without your bouquets

5. Forgetting the meaning of the word “budget”

You started off well, figuring how much you could save, how much parents would give and what you already had in your bank account.

But you discovered that you had spent twice what you budgeted for music on shoes and clothes alone, and the caterers laughed at you when you told them the food budget.

At this point, a lot of couples would just throw costs out of the window, and end up starting a new life together with debts on their neck.

Instead, use the budget as a tool to figure out what you can cut out of your spendings, what you can save and where other income might come from.

Not only will budgeting help you afford your wedding and save stress, it is an important skill you will need for a successful married life.

6. Getting drunk the night before the wedding

The fact that your bachelor’s eve is scheduled the night before your wedding does not mean you have to wake up with a mighty headache, puffy skin, fuzzy head from vomiting, or worse, an upset stomach.

So, do yourself a favour, skip the alcohol the night before your big day.

7. Not involving your better half

Wedding planning can and should be the domain of both couple, rather than just assuming the bride would take care of every detail.

This is the reason you need to set aside a regular weekly meeting time to talk about new ideas and set wedding-related goals for the following week. A change or two in plans can also come up.

8. Losing Perspective

Do not forget to keep your eye on what is really important to you. Do not get involved in so many small details that you do not have enough time for what is really important.

If something goes wrong, try your best to take deep breaths and think about the big picture. Above all, you should keep your sense of humour!

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