The ‘Do’s And ‘Don’t Of Online Dating Every Woman Should Know

You sure are tired of the guys in your life that come and go, right? After all, there are dating sites where you can meet new people.

If you’re already using dating sites or you’re considering using them, there are things you should be aware of when texting a guy you’d like to date.

Remember that you aren’t so familiar with these guys, so it takes some requirements for you to actually relate with them on your dating site before meeting them.

Here are the dos and don’ts of texting a guy on a dating site:


1. Strike an intelligent conversation

Many men definitely love women who are intelligent and sound intelligent. This does not mean you have to sound like a professor or something.

You just need to start a conversation that is beneficial for humans before going into the subject of dating.

2. Talk about meeting in real life

Who likes chatting online with a prospective boyfriend without actually meeting the guy? No one, right?

Always talk about meeting in real life. If he tries to avoid the conversation, you don’t have to push it further.

However, if he is strongly anticipating your meeting in real life, cooperate with him. Make sure you meet in an open or crowded place for security reasons.

ALSO READ: 5 Tips For Being Yourself In A New Relationship

3. Manage your Tone

Speak in a tone that suggests you both are not yet close. It is good to remember that you both have just met and are still on conversing on the dating site.

In addition, speak nicely to him. Be careful not to use words that would make him misunderstand your intentions.


1. Don’t use one-word replies

You may not have the chance to actually continue your conversation with him, let alone meet him in real life.

This is why one-word replies aren’t good for you when you’re trying to get this guy.

2. Don’t date him online

Many guys online start to call you ‘baby’ or ‘hottie’ and then ask for you to be their ‘boyfriend’ without actually meeting them. DON’T agree.

Why don’t you both meet first before you make that decision?  It is normal for you both to actually talk about dating, but not online, please.

3. Don’t send him money

You may have so much money on you, but there are scammers everywhere.

Be careful and cautious of the guys you meet online and get attracted to. They can use it to their advantage many times.

The moment a man begins to ask you for money, just run.

A case in point is the true-life movie currently trending titled ‘The Tinder Swindler’ where a guy is believed to have scammed naive women of their hard-earned money.


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