Want A Stress-Free Wedding? Do Not Invite These 7 Types Of People

People You Should Not Invite To Your Wedding | FabWoman

People You Should Not Invite To Your Wedding | FabWoman

Weddings are beautiful and you want everyone you know to come to celebrate with you. But contrary to whatever you think, some specific people should not be invited. Weddings can be expensive. The fewer the people that attend, the better.

Not having these 7 people at your wedding would ensure your peace of mind and also cut costs.

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1. Your ex-boyfriend

That’s pretty obvious. Your ex-boyfriend may have some secret agendas up his sleeve. So even if you guys are still friends, there’s really no obligation to invite him.

2. Anyone you haven’t spoken to in a long while

We know you were so close with your girlfriends back in college, but if you haven’t stayed in touch since you graduated, there’s no obligation to invite them.

If you wouldn’t have them over for dinner, they don’t really need to be there. Stick to sending each other rice during the holiday season.

4. Anyone you do not necessarily like

She’s the co-worker or acquaintance that you get along with, even though you both not-so-secretly kind of hate each other.

5. Anybody you feel is in love with you

If there’s absolutely any chance that he’s going to make a scene—like, stand up right before you exchange vows and announce that he objects to the marriage—you probably shouldn’t chance it.

6. The old friend who you never see anymore

Even on visits home to your parents, you never have the inclination to get together with her—and she lives just six houses away. That should tell you something. You can safely cross her off the list without hurting her feelings.

7. Your Facebook friends

And Twitter followers and all the people you Snapchat with. You may be social-media friendly with a few former coworkers but if you and these people aren’t social, remove them from your guest list.