How To Prepare A Pineapple Smoothie In 5 Easy Steps

Pineapples are sweet delicious tropical fruits with wonderful health benefits.

It aids digestion, boosts the immune system, helps to reduce inflammation, cures a cough, accelerate weight loss,  helps in the respiratory health and helps to strengthen the bones.

Pineapples can be added to your daily diet in many forms, eaten raw or blend for juice.

Pineapple smoothie is juicy and very easy to make, here are the steps to help you go about it.

Pineapple Health Benefits


Pineapple & Coconut water


Step 1: Get a good blender

Step 2:  Peel the pineapple and cut into small sizes

Step 3: Pour the pineapple and coconut water inside the blender

Step 4: Blend properly

Step 5: Serve with ice

Though pineapple isn’t everyone’s choice, we are sure that when you find out the benefits, you will consider it as an option >> 5 Nutritional Benefits Of Pineapple That Boosts The Health

Check out this detailed video tutorial for more:

Video Source: Chef Mama Rose

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