Nigerian, Ranti Agbaminoja Emerges Secretary Of US-based Non-Governmental Organisation

Ranti Agbaminoja

Ranti Agbaminoja

A Nigerian, Ranti Agbaminoja, has been appointed as the Secretary of the Board of Directors, of Waterlight Save Initiative, a non-governmental organization committed to ameliorating the plight of the poor worldwide, particularly through sustainable water management.

She is expected to provide strategic direction and foster collaborative efforts within the board and the broader community.

The statement read in part, “Agbaminoja’s appointment as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Waterlight Save Initiative presents an exciting opportunity for the organisation.

Agbaminoja’s appointment signals a new beginning for the organisation, as it comes in the wake of the recent granting of a Consultative Status to Waterlight Save Initiative by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC, during the 18th meeting of the UN Committee on Non-governmental Organizations.

The statement reads:

“As the Secretary of the Board of Directors, Agbaminoja will be responsible for maintaining accurate documentation of board meetings and decisions, facilitating communication between board members, staff, and external stakeholders, contributing to the development and implementation of strategic goals, and ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements and best practices in non-profit governance.

“Her appointment is expected to invigorate the organization’s efforts and expand its impact on global water sustainability, addressing pressing water scarcity and environmental conservation challenges. The recent ECOSOC approval underscores the international significance of the Waterlight Save Initiative’s mission, enabling it to champion water sustainability on a broader scale and make a lasting difference internationally.

“Agbaminoja is known for her commitment to community development and her passion for making a positive impact on people’s lives. With a strong background in communication, she is expected to provide strategic direction and enhance collaborative efforts within the board and the broader community.

 With Agbaminoja leading the way, the organization is well-equipped to tackle the urgent challenges of water scarcity and environmental conservation. Her previous roles in various community-focused organizations have equipped her with the skills necessary to navigate the complex landscape of environmental advocacy and community outreach.”