5 Things Nobody Tells You About Remote Work

remote work

Working from home sounds interesting, less stressful, and opportunity to wake up any time of the day to work. The thought of getting up and going to work in your pajamas rather than dealing with traffic, long commutes, co-workers, and bosses, sounds pretty good.

Most companies now offer jobs that allow their workers to do their jobs remotely which means you can work from home. As interesting as it is, there are things you should know before you start considering the idea of working remotely.

1. Requires High Discipline

Working from home is a job that requires no supervision. There is no boss to oversee your every move and no co-workers who are looking over your shoulder. Working from home requires a certain amount of motivation and discipline to be able to get up and get busy with work especially if you are easily distracted by social media, just as if you had to go into the office.

Setting a regular work schedule and adhering to it is critical in order to be able to get work accomplished, or meet deadlines.

2. Distractions

Working from home may mean something else entirely to other people in your life. Your mother may think you have the time to run her to doctor’s appointments or go shopping for the day. Even your child’s school may think you have extra time for helping out with school events or field trips. Being able to say no, is an important part of being a remote worker. Family members need to know your work schedule and that you are not able to deviate from it at their whim.

3. Loss of work-life balance

When you’re working in an office, you’re most likely conscious of the closing time. That’s not always the case for remote workers. For remote workers, the lines between work and home life are blurred, since you’re working from your dining room, you might not find it easy to disengage yourself from work.

For example, it can start with something simple, like checking work-related emails first thing in the morning or spending more time completing tasks after hours. You may spend more time handling work and reduce the time for your home and personal life. This can lead to burnout and lower your morale.

4. Isolation

Isolation is one of the major drawbacks of remote work. Working remotely might make you feel lonely and isolated, especially if you live alone.

If you are used to office chats and banters, it may be difficult for you at the beginning. However, if you think working alone affects your productivity, you can go to a workspace or cafe to get your work done.

5. Unstable internet

Unstable internet and remote work are like 5 and 6, especially in Africa. This leads to frustration as you can hardly get any work done.

ALSO READ: 5 Tips To Help You Manage Stress When You Work From Home


Olamide is a media enthusiast that's goal-driven and intends to build her career at every opportunity she gets.