This Style Influencer Has A Wealth Of Knowledge To Share On Why Religion And Tribe Shouldn’t Stop True Love

Fashion Entrepreneur and Nigerian style blogger, Aderonke Adefalujo popularly known as theRonkefella recently shared an inspiring message on her Instagram page.

The beautiful blogger shared her thoughts on inter-tribal and inter-religious marriages.

According to her, love should be above religion and tribe. ”wherever you find genuine love and utmost peace build your home therein, because life as thought me that there are no rules to some of these things, satisfy your innermost desire first before family or society!”

Here is what she shared on Instagram

I have seen a lot of Christians marry each other and didn’t end up happily ever despite all the Bible teachings they divorced, I have also seen muslim couple who ended up dissolving their union, And i still see y’all cursing out people who choose to marry outside their religion! Ha! I am tired o! A lot of people are in love but are scared to marry because society will remind them that they serve different god? Pls where they created by different God too? As much as the general belief is, it is safer to marry from your tribe or your religion, or if you marry outside your religion it’s a SIN! I understand but what happens when two genuine people find genuine love? Should they give it up for religion? What’s d guarantee if they go and marry someone else from the same religion it will work? if you ask me about inter-tribal marriage / inter – religious marriage! I beg to differ This is what I will say- wherever you find genuine love and utmost peace build your home therein, because life as thought me that there are no rules to some of these thing, satisfy your innermost desire first before family or society! Find a good man /woman or a good soul and settle there! HUMANITY should come first before Religion and tribe! If you want to help me, help me because you think I deserve it not because I’m your Muslim brother or ur Christian sister or because I’m Yoruba or Igbo! Help me because I am HUMAN like you, love me because I am human like you and you think I deserved to be loved! Don’t hate me because I’m from another tribe or because I’m Practicing a different religion neither of these doesn’t make me less Human as you! I am tired of this damn rules that is so confusing! I am not here to change it, (MBA) I am just here to live my own life and move on, if you have a problem with , please let me make my mistakes , you go ahead and make yours, if you ask me what I’m teaching the younger ones? I’m teaching them to do whatever makes them happy and be responsible for their actions! If it works for them fine! If it doesn’t let them keep trying till they find what works for them. I choose LOVE first over religion!

A post shared by ADERONKE•ENOABASI•ADEFALUJO (@therealrhonkefella) on

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