Someone once said love has no colour. It might not be in the entirely true in the case of inter-tribal marriage or relationship if some steps are omitted.
If you’re in a relationship with a man from another tribe and you both intend to get married, there are might quite a lot of challenges.
ALSO READ: 3 Key Things To Know When Planning An Inter-tribal Wedding
This post will show you some tips that can help you make that marriage or relationship work. Have a look!
1.Be Realistic About What Your Expectation
Before even contemplating marriage, think about the reaction of your own family and friends, are they okay with it? If they aren’t, brace yourself to receive worse treatment from the people you don’t know i.e your spouse’s family. Be ready for whatever comes after your decision to marry him.
2. Talk About Your Cultural Differences
When you and your partner are from different tribes, you cannot act like it might not be an issue. You both have cultural differences that have to be sorted out between the both of you. Talk about your family’s view on the matter. Ask each other questions so you can have a pretty good idea where you both come from and what your roots mean to you.
3. Respect Each Other’s Traditions And Values
You both have to respect each other’s tradition for the relationship or marriage to work. The differences are often in terms of religion, heritage, family values, understand where your spouse is coming from and work with that knowledge.
4.Spend Time With His Family
When you’re dating someone from a different tribe, your family’s views can have an impact on the relationship. If you want a future together, you have to get to know each other’s family members. Plan occasions and invite your partner to events where you can all mix. Hopefully, the more time they spend with you, the more likely they see past your state of origin and get to know you for you. The same goes for your partner.
5.Be Mindful Of Your Judgement
You might even be unaware of this but you might have certain perceptions and prejudices about your husband’s tribe. This usually has to do with how we are raised and our experiences with other tribes while growing up, be aware of what those things are and talk to your spouse about them.
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