Harsh Spots? You May Be Going Through Skin Purging And Here’s Everything To Know

Whenever your skin breaks out, it may just be that you’ve tried a new product, and your face could look really scary in the mirror. Don’t be alarmed; skin purging isn’t as bad, not until you know how to handle it.

Before you can determine whether you’re actually experiencing skin purging, here’s everything you need to know about it:

What is Skin Purging?

Skin purging happens when your skin breaks out after trying a new skin care product.

What are the causes?

akin purging everything to know

Certain acne removal products also cause skin purging. The also include:

  1. Exfoliants
  2. Benzoyl Peroxide
  3. Chemical peels for acne
  4. Hydroxy acids
  5. Retinoids
  6. Anti-aging products

The duration a purge can last

skin purging everything to know

Human cell renewal cycles are quite different, so that determines how long the purge would last. As the purge is fading slowly, your skin is getting rid of dead skin cells and replacing them with new ones.

Therefore, it should last for as long as 4- 5 weeks approximately. However, if it lasts between 6 and 8 weeks, then it automatically means your skin is reacting to a skin care product.

Reducing the Purge

skin purging everything to know

In order for you to reduce the purge till your skin gets to its normal state, here are things you should and should not do:

  1. Introduce new products to your skin slowly. Don’t use them too regularly.
  2. Do NOT touch your face or pop your pimples.
  3. Protect yourself from the sun by using sunscreen or tools to shade yourself from the sun.
  4. Do not use harsh chemicals on the affected area because it will only get worse.

ALSO READ: Coconut Oil Is The New Shaving Ingredient And Here’s How To Use It

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