Stephanie Coker Talks Marriage And Future Ambition As She Covers October Issue Of The Cover Magazine

Fashionista and Media personality, Stephanie Coker graces the cover of the October issue of The Cover Magazine. She spoke about different issues from her marriage, to her fashion style.

The shoot was creatively styled by Tokyo James and the pictures were taken by @oac_k on Instagram.

She pushes the boundaries of fashion in this magazine spread and promises to slay as a politician’s wife. On that she says;

“My husband is at the moment campaigning to be a member of the House of Representatives in Abeokuta. So, I’m a politician’s wife, which is quite cool, because I love giving a different look on what it is to do something, and I feel that in Nigeria, where we have so many elderly politicians, their wives are usually required to look and dress a certain way. You shouldn’t lose your personality once your other half is put in a position of power.”

She also gives advice to her younger self in the feature and she says;

“I would say, girl, you shouldn’t be in such a hurry. As a younger lady, I would put a time frame on every single thing- which at times is good, but can also create a lot of unnecessary pressure. Yes, you can get that job, get married, but at the end of the day, that is not happiness. It is the people around you that make you happy. So when I hear you women that say, ‘ah I must marry before I am thirty’, what you really should be saying is, I must marry someone that really loves and understands me. Oh, and I would have definitely told myself to save more money.”

Here are some pictures from the shoot.





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