Plantain is one food item in Nigeria that is versatile because of the different ways it can be prepared. Not only that, but It is also very healthy as it is packed with vitamins A, B3, and much more. Do you know it also has a World Day when its lovers celebrate it? That is to show how much...
Shame should not come with going to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, but with the kind of society we operate in, it often does. However, this should not stop you from making sure that you have not contracted any diseases that could impair your life in the future. It is important to get tested regularly to avoid...
If you have been skinny all your life, then you know the struggle of trying to gain weight and not seeing any progress. You may have tried eating more and drinking yogurt or milk, and many other strategies. Gaining weight is not just about eating more, it is about eating more of the right things and doing the right exercises....
I have not found one person that enjoys having pimples, and even when I do, I am not sure I would want to be their friend. Acne breakouts in black women are caused by a variety of reasons that are inherently linked to our health care. Face mapping techniques have been present for some time now but a lot of the...
There are certain table manners that we as women unknowingly violate when we are dining out with friends that could possibly diminish the experience. Being mindful of these dining rules would help show that you are appreciative and respectful of the company you are with. Here are eleven table manners that women should be mindful of when dining with...
The fact that your hair is in braids does not mean that you should not wash it. Just as you would wash your hair when it is not in a protective style, you also need to wash your hair when it is braided to keep it from smelling. If you are planning to wear your braids for as long as...
All You Should Know About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS), A Disease Silently Affecting Many Women
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal and genetic disorder in women. Its cause is however unknown. It affects the female reproductive organ by causing the ovaries to be enlarged and creating small cysts on the exterior part of the ovaries. This causes the hormone levels to produce more male hormones than normal and some of the symptoms of...
We all love looking glam for the gram, (and in real life). However, when our beauty routine starts to affect the quality of our skin or health, then we have to be more observant of the things we do in our makeup routine. Also, read This Is The Reason Why Your Skincare Routine Is Not Working For You There...
Getting a flat tummy starts from the kitchen. No matter how many sit-ups or crunches you do in a day, if your diet is poor, the chances of getting your tummy to be as flat as you want it to be will be very slim. if you already eat a good diet, kudos to you because you are halfway there. However,...
Razor bumps can be the most annoying thing to have. Some women even avoid shaving their armpits and vaginal area regularly to avoid getting painful and itchy razor bumps. Razor bumps are a challenge that both men and women face after shaving. It is a skin irritation that is caused when hair is shaved or plucked from sensitive areas of...
Hello!! My name is Anu
I'm a passionate digital media strategist and the creative mind behind FabWoman. My goal is to inspire and empower millennial women across Africa to live their most fabulous lives. Through FabWoman, I create engaging content that covers everything from fashion and beauty to health and lifestyle. When I'm not working, you'll find me exploring the latest trends, enjoying good food, and staying fit. Let's make every day fabulous together!