Finding motivation at work can be difficult sometimes. It is very easy to lose sight of the main goal, especially when there are distractions like that boss who is giving you a hard time or your husband at home or even your children. It could be anything. Losing motivation decreases your performance at work but there are ways to get...

You may be considering living alone and if there are advantages of it before you make the decision. Also, you may be thinking you should just get a roommate or move out of the house because you feel ‘lonely’. It is important that you know the perks of living alone before you make any decision. Here are the perks of...

Many a time, we complain about how distracting our mobile devices are, forgetting that our devices do not own us. You get to choose how long you reply Jane’s tweets on Twitter and how many weird snaps and Instagram stories you watch. You also get to choose to use apps that can boost your productivity level, thereby making your device...