5 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Have Relaxed Hair

For a while now, all the hype has been about natural hair; how to grow one, how to care for it, and all. Let’s take a break from that and talk about relaxed hair.

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Relaxed hair is just as important as natural hair and you need to know how to handle it and have it at its healthiest. Your relaxed hair needs as much care and attention as natural hair because irrespective of texture or treatment, it is still YOUR hair.

To make the most of your relaxed hair, there are 5 important things you should never do.

1. Never relax your hair yourself

It is never advisable to do your own retouching by yourself. Even if you are a professional hairdresser, going to the salon to get it done ensures that you do not damage your hair unknowingly. Relaxers contain harmful chemicals that needs attention when being used. Using relaxers on your hair by yourself will gradually cause damage to it as you can’t see what is going while applying it.

2. Never use too much heat on your relaxed hair

Since your hair is relaxed it is straight enough to not need heat applied to it. The chemicals in the relaxed have subdued your hair enough so adding heat only makes it weaker. If you need to use heat at all, use low heat.

3. Never use heavy permanent hair colour



When your hair is in a relaxed state, using deep shades of permanent hair colour for it is a quick way to damage it. Since it is already relaxed, you should only go for colours that are one or two shades darker than your hair. Anything darker than this will put unnecessary strain on your hair and make it break.

4. Never scratch your hair before relaxing it

The myth is actually true. Before relaxing your hair or using shampoo on it, don’t scratch your scalp as you will be more susceptible to burns. Instead run your scalp when it itces

5. Never get your hair relaxed too soon after the last one

Have you noticed that your hair is not growing despite the undergrowth of new hair you get. This might be because you relax your hair too soon. Give an interval of about 12-14 before retouching your hair or wait till your undergrowth is about two inches. This way you won’t strip your hair of its strength with regular retouching.

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