How To Enjoy Christmas As A Single Nigerian Lady

Being single during the festive season can make one feel the weight of not being in a relationship even more.

While your friends may be making plans on how they intend to spend as much time as possible with their partner, you might be tempted to feel left out and forgotten

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, this is the best time to get to know yourself better and enjoy your own company.

It’s amazing to have someone to enjoy the holidays with, but if you don’t, we’re also advocating that you embrace your single status this holiday season. It’s time to focus on other aspects of your life and stop stressing over when you’ll find that perfect person. Here’s how.

1. Plan thoughtful gifts

This is the time to appreciate those who are still in your life by making out time to plan gifts for them. It doesn’t have to be expensive but it should show that you appreciate them being a part of your life.

2. Focus on family

Yea you might not have succeeded in starting a family of your own, but now is a good time to focus on the ones you have already. Call relatives you haven’t spoken with in awhile and plan to meet up with some if possible. You will be glad you did.

3. Mingle with other singles

Meeting up with other singles doesn’t mean you are gathering to complain about your shared experience of bad relationships. Rather avoid talking about your love lives and discuss every other thing.

4. Spend time with friends

Now is a good time to catch up with your friends and make some new memories. Make plans to catch a movie at the cinema, or spend time at the beach or even organise a picnic. Your single status will be the farthest thing from your mind while having fun.

5. Be thankful

This year might not have gone the way you wanted it to but still be thankful but next year may hold lots of surprises for you. Give thanks in advance.

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