Get Your Bridesmaids To Look Chic With These 12 Lovely Photos

Wedding fashion is so diverse that some designers specially create their collections just for such ceremonies. In addition, the models of bridesmaid’s dresses should coincide with the performance, style, texture of the bride’s dress, they must necessarily be in harmony with each other.

For example, dresses for bridesmaids can be the same length, similar models or styles, but vary in their color scheme or combinations of shades. All these brings a certain variety in the wedding palette from the tones but preserving the general harmony.

It will be interesting to look at dresses for bridesmaids, executed in the same style but of different length.

1. This blue gorgeous piece

2. Beautiful bridesmaids in lilac

3. Bridesmaids in pastel pink dresses

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4. And they wore white with the bride

5. They look magnificent in white.


6. She was a stunning bridesmaid.

7. These ladies look really beautiful

8. These gowns are simple but classy

9. Knee length yellow dresses.


10. Spaghetti strapped flowing gowns

11. Lime green looks so good on these ladies

12. Baby pink never looked so yummy
