6 Types Of Women That Exist In Every Relationship

Women are diverse in nature as they come in different packages. Many often refer to women as being a complicated human. Some women understand their nature while some do not

This post aims to show the different categories of women and you might fall. Read through this post to guide you on where you belong.

1.Miss Snoop

This category of women have trust issues. They probably got cheated on too many times or grew up in an environment that discourages trust. This categories of women always check their spouse’s phone, clothes, e.t.c. They’re pretty insecure about their spouse.

2.Career Woman

The women that exist in this category are married to their career. They do not take failing lightly so they tend to take it out on their spouse. This type of women are so involved in their career to the point and they find it hard to strike a balance between their career and their relationship. They don’t have the time to give a relationship their all because they have other important things to deal with. They’ll probably have between one child to two children while some even go as far as adopting a child.

3.Miss Independent

These women like to be their own boss and therefore never wants to be answerable to anyone. They take care of themselves financially and materially.  They mark territories when it comes to the things they’ve acquired-“this is mine, this is yours”. The women in this category are very principled and detest disrespect.

4.Motherly Nature

This category of women are most likely the sweetest you will ever meet. They are so kind, selfless and will definitely take care of you. Some might probably prefer to be a housewife or work from home so they can have enough time for family. They like to be involved in every step of their children’s lives and always available to put the home together.

5.The Nag

These women are never satisfied with anything therefore will always complain about anything and everything. They tend to push their spouse’s buttons to the limit everyday and sometimes it interests them to see you get to the boiling point. Sometimes when they get bored, they bring up discussions that prompts an argument. They complain about almost everything.

6.Promiscuous Girl

This category of women dates several men all at one go. They always have a reason for dating the different men in their life; most times to provide for their needs. They’re never ready to build a life with any of their partners.

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