7 Health Benefits Of Uda Seed (Negro Pepper)

Negro Pepper is a spice commonly found in the savannah vegetation zone of Africa and South America.

Known as Uda seed in Igbo, Eeru Alamo in Yoruba and Chimba in Hausa, Its botanical name is Xylopia aethiopica and it belongs to the Annonaceae family.

It has a smoky aroma and the shape is about 5mm length. This seed is usually the main ingredients for making spicy black pepper sauce.

In Nigeria, pepper soup isn’t complete without using Uda seed as a spice.

It can be used alone or mixed with garlic or ginger for making herbal tea. It can also be used as a preservative.

Uda seed possesses great nutritional and medicinal properties that contain high essential phytochemical compoundslike copper, zinc, protein, camphene, manganese, alkaloids, Diter penic, Limonene, Folic acid, Flavanoid, Vitamins: A, B1, B2, C and E.

Here are some of its many health benefits.

1. It contains anti-oxidants that fights infections

Inflammation is the body’s way of responding to injuries, infections, wounds, and any damage to tissue.

Uda seed contains an abundant amount of high anti-inflammatory properties and anti-oxidant agents that help to fight any free radical effects in the body.

2. It treats malaria

Uda seed is packed with some potent antimalarial properties and can be used for preparing local remedy for reducing the risk/effect of malaria in humans. 

3. It treats skin problems

Do you struggle with skin problems? Uda seed has been proven to be a great remedy for treating skin conditions like boils, itches, skin eruptions to mention a few.

4.It treats Menstrual Problems

Negro pepper can be taken to treat menstrual issues like amenorrhea or PMS syndrome. In traditional medicine, Uda black pepper pod is given to increase blood flow during menstruation.

5.It relieves Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal disorders are health conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract [oesophagus, stomach, rectum, small and large intestine]. This includes stomach ache, irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, gastric ulcers, indigestion, flatulence, etc. The leaves of uda are found to be aseptic in nature, meaning that they are capable of relieving the aforementioned internal disorders.

6. It treats rheumatism

The bark of uda tree has anti-arthritic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties that can be used in treating a myriad of rheumatic disorders, including arthritic pain.

7.It relieves the respiratory System

Studies reveal that the bark of uda tree contains some potent properties, which are very effective in treating respiratory system diseases, including the common cold, bacterial pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis.