How To Be On Top Of Your Game When You Are On Your Period

Period Pains Reported To Be As Painful As A Heart Attack

Periods which are part of every woman’s life can be quite discomforting especially for women who have cramps but it’s all considered normal.

Ladies dread this time of the month as they are always rather uncomfortable; double checking to make sure they are not stained, nauseous and most experience stomach cramps as a result of this.

It’s worse when you have to go about doing one activity or  the other with all that discomfort.

Here are ways you can manage yourself during this special time of the month.


Exercise does not just make you fit but it also helps to ease menstrual cramps. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, it’s your body’s natural pain killer and mood elevator.

Yoga is great if cardiovascular exercise is not your thing. Ensure to be wary of the poses that put pressure on areas where you’re sensitive.

Stay Off Coffee And Chocolate

Coffee and chocolate have caffeine which  cause blood vessels feeding the uterus to tighten, making cramping worst.

Take An Anti-Inflammatory Before Your Period

For women suffering from severe cramping, it is wise to take anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen 48 hours before your period.

This helps decrease release of prostaglandins, the agents primarily responsible for pain and other symptoms associated with periods.

Change And Wash Regularly

The standard time to change a sanitary pad is once every six hours, while for a tampon is once every two hours.

That being said, you have to customize the changing schedule to your needs. While some women might have a heavy flow and would need to change more often, others will need to change less frequently. There are a few instances where your sanitary napkin or tampon might not be completely used – usually on days when you have a lesser flow – but you must change at regular intervals.

Drink More Water

Dehydration is never a good thing, it’s especially hazardous during your cycle as it decreases water retention, which can make cramps all the more excruciating/make you even more bloated.

Hot Water Bottle

It may sound cliché but it is just as effective as the aforementioned.

A study conducted by scientists from University College London found that applying heat doesn’t just provide relief by coziness, but also functions like a painkiller, deactivating pain at a molecular level.