4 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make While Planning Your Engagement Ceremony

Now that you’re engaged and you’ve finally found the person whom you want to spend the rest of your life, it is time for you to start making plans for a big (or small, if you like) engagement party.

Here’s What To Expect On A Yoruba Traditional Engagement List (Eru Iyawo)

Things can easily go wrong, but you should be fine if you ensure that you don’t make any of the following mistakes:

1. Not making the guest list a priority

We get it. You’re super excited to be engaged to the love of your life and you just want the whole engagement to go on without a hitch. You can’t wait to start with the “save the dates” and the “hope to see you here” greetings.

You also have to choose a lot of little things like your flowers, decorations, etc. However, while you might not know it, one of the most crucial elements of your engagement ceremony is drafting the guest list. A lot of other elements of your ceremony will be determined by the guest list but not limited to the seating arrangement and how much you’re going to pay for certain services.

The solution

 Make sure that before anything else, you draft a guest list in order to know just how many people you should be expecting. It might take you some time, but make sure to have his loose end tied as soon as you can.

2. Booking a venue really late

One of the things you need to get cleared as early as possible is the venue of your ceremony Your venue will determine a lot of other things as well (including decorations, how many people you should expect, etc.), and you need to make sure that you have it booked as early as possible.

The solution

You need to understand that weddings and engagements get organized basically every season, and it’s possible for your desired location to be booked when you’re eventually ready. To avoid any of that, make sure to have the venue booked and ready to go.

3. Doing it all on your own

The truth is that we all get tempted to do things on our own. When you are engaged and you decide to hold a little ceremony to celebrate you’re getting hitched, you thought that it is just a small-scale affair and that you won’t really need any help. Needless to say, most times you end up being very wrong. Thanks to your zeal for wanting everything to be perfect.

The solution

It might seem like a funny expense, but you really need to invest in a planner or close and intelligent friends. They can help lighten the load and make sure that certain aspects are taken care of (Especially those parts that you’re unfamiliar with yourself).

4. Not having a budget

No matter what it is that you need to do, you need to ensure that you’re operating within a budget. This is why you have to do a lot of financial planning. Ensure that you’re not spending more than you should, and make sure that before you splurge on anything new, you weigh its effects on your overall finances.


Also, it is always recommended that you put a little money aside for emergencies when planning your budget. As much as you can try to guess the prices of things, it is also possible for slight price changes to try to offset what you already have planned. To avoid getting caught by surprise, make sure that you always have extra cash to fall back on.