Keep Your Children Occupied During The Coronavirus Lockdown By Doing These 4 Things

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, many parents have struggled with how to cope with their children and toddlers.

Even the most patient parents have been tested this period.

It is therefore important to keep them busy, maintain a healthy daily routine, and manage their behavior and tantrums.

Here are some tips that serve as a guide.

1. Create a schedule

Just like a normal school day, create a schedule for them. Set a time for when they will wake up, eat, online learnings, activities, games, and sleeping hours as it was before the lockdown which must be adhered strictly to.

It’s best to get them involved in the schedule so they have a sense of importance.

You can also give rewards for following the schedule which could be redeemed after the lockdown in the form of a trip to the cinema, a new toy, etc.

2. Engage in activities together

As much as you want your children to learn their school work, you also want them to learn lifelong skills.

There are tons of activities you can do with your children. This is a good time for them to learn skills outside their school work.

Teach how to cook and bake, etiquette skills, how to do house chores like arranging their room and washing their plates and cleaning up after they eat, they can learn a new language, encourage them to read books either hard copy or you can download from the internet, do exercises with them like yoga, go for a walk with them, play educational games like Lego. This exercise alone will keep your kid occupied for hours and is perfect for beating boredom.

It’s also good to know what skills your children like individually and nurture it.

3. Talk to them

Children are quite inquisitive and may have been wondering why they are been kept at home. Educate them about COVID-19 and allay all their fears and questions.

Also, this is the best time to get closer to them. Talk to your child about how to handle stress, talk to them about their daily schedule, their friends, their best moment, their best holiday. Talking to them increase the bonding of the family. You can catch up on the lost time during the lockdown.

4. Connect with their friends

The internet has made it easier for everyone to stay connected. Your children may begin to worry about their friends and why they can’t see them.

Hook up an old phone or tablet to wifi for your child to use to contact friends and their families.