5 Life Lessons Every Lady Can Learn From Bisola Aiyeola, The Woman Of Multiple Talents

Bisola Aiyeola Life Lessons

Bisola Aiyeola’s name spread like wildfire after she went in as a housemate on Big Brother Naija 2017.

The majority of the world who had hitherto not known her fell in love with the bold, super confident and talented young lady.

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Even after leaving the house, she has continued to inspire people by using her God-given talents in the best possible way.

Below are a few life lessons to learn from the 33-year-old mother of one:

1. Don’t ever give up on your dreams

Everyone who knows Bisola knows that she is tenacious. She never gives up. She keeps trying daily to do better and when one door shuts in her face, she still doesn’t give up. She shows that with consistency, anyone can make it.

2. Education is not a determiner of success.

You will recall that Bisola revealed to the public that she is not a university graduate. She explained that she had tried severally to get into school but the reverse was the case. Did this stop her? Definitely not. She has gone on to become a voice for women and even single mothers- passing across the message that lack of education should not end one’s life aspirations.

3. Use your talents

When education failed, Bisola branched into other things- she went into music, dancing, acting, emceeing and many other things. This is one reason why she is so loved, she is definitely a bunch of talents, and sure, her talents made way for her.

4. Be responsible

She got pregnant when she had not too much financially but that did not slow her down. It only made her more responsible. She got more serious, sought out numerous ways to put food in her baby’s stomach and today, she is more than comfortable.

5. Hard work pays

If you never believed that phrase before, Bisola would make you know that it is true. All she has achieved today is as a result of hard work, determination and resilience. Keep working hard and before you know it, you will be far ahead.