All You Need To Know Before Threading Your Eyebrows


Eyebrow threading is a method of grooming your eyebrows that is slowly gaining repute amongst black women.

It originated in India and South Asia but has gained widespread popularity. This is because of the tidy and beautiful results it provides afterward.

Hair removal using a threading method is fast and very accurate: no need for wax or wax strips, or spatulas.

The eyebrow hair that has been threaded would take a long time to grow back because of how forcefully it has been removed.

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If you are considering threading your eyebrow, here are some things you should know.

1. Pain scale

Of course, it is painful, but it is painful like the prick of a very tiny needle is painful. It cannot cause blood vessels to breakthrough. So, you should not be bleeding after your appointment. Depending on your level of pain tolerance, you may need to take some pain relief medication after threading.

2. It causes redness

If you are light to mid-toned in complexion, threading might cause temporary redness. It should not, I repeat, cause you to bleed. This redness should go in a couple of hours.

3. Find a professional who is skilled at it

If you are going the threading route, it is important that you find a skilled technician or better still, get it done in a reputable spa and this would ensure that you get the premium service. Whoever thread your brows can also give you tips for care and recovery.

4. It is convenient and lasts long

It lasts very long and when eyebrows are threaded properly, it is given the perfect arch and shape, thus making it easier for you to do your make up or even go barefaced. It is also convenient since it does not require frequent touch-ups.

5.  Takes no time

It is done very quickly and usually does not take longer than thirty minutes depending on the level of threading needed to be done on the eyebrows.

6. The different methods

There are different methods of eyebrow threading and some technicians as skilled at a specific method. There is the mouth method, which is the fastest and most precise, the hand method and the neck method. Each of them has its benefits and shortcomings.

Ifeoma Nnewuihe is a Nigerian writer living and working in Lagos, Nigeria. She has a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in English and Literary Studies from the University of Lagos. In her spare time, Ifeoma draws and engages in competitive sports.