8 Types Of Food To Avoid A Day Before Your Wedding

It is the week before your wedding and you want to look good at all cost. Why not take a little precaution on the type of food you digest to avoid looking unfit in your wedding dress.

Here are a few foods to avoid the week before your wedding.

1. Salty food

Bring down the salt in your food. Sodium makes you retain water so you’ll feel and look puffy. By all means, stay away from potato chips. Not only do they contain incredible amounts of salt, it is so bad for the health.

 2.  Beans

The effects of beans are enormous. They contain a complex sugar that can only be broken down by bacteria in the colon. If you do not want to be embarrassed while walking down the aisle, then avoid this.

 3.  Fatty foods

Yes, we know they’re the sweetest but you should get your eyes off the food for a second and ponder this. Fatty foods digest slowly. They’ll stay in your tummy for longer, and you’ll feel too full around the tummy while wearing your dream wedding dress.

 4.  Carbonated drinks

Basically any drinks with bubbles. Soda, sparkling water and even champagne must be saved for later. The bubbles are pockets of air that’ll make you feel all gassy and belchy.

 5.  Alcohol

Anyone can testify to how puffy they feel the morning after they’ve had a little too much. Alcohol can cause water retention, irritate your stomach, make you anxious the next day and make your face look bloated and puffy. All enough reason to abstain for two weeks and then enjoy the toast on D-day.

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 6.  Dairy food

Not everyone is lactose-intolerant but with people of African descent making up majority, this is good advice. For those who are, dairy products will make you visit the bathroom more often than you want.

They are also notorious for worsening acne in some people. That creamy ice cream just isn’t worth it the stress it comes with.

 7.  Cruciferous vegetables

Veggies like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli contain a sugar that will give you gas like beans. Of course,  these vegetables are actually very nutritious and full of cancer-blasting antioxidants; but on your wedding day you want a flat tummy. Eat a little of this if you must and choose the cooked form to help break down the sugar, instead of raw.

8.  Caffeine

Coffee and black tea in addition to taking away sleep, can make you anxious. The last thing you need is more anxiety on a day that is naturally filled with it.

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