Pregnancy is the most sensitive period in a woman’s life therefore it’s very important that pregnant women need to stay away off some everyday meals even though cravings are quite normal.
Expecting mothers/pregnant women needs to watch what they eat and how they eat in order to avoid miscarriage, death during delivery, swelling of body parts, still births or high blood pressure.
Whenever you are pregnant, It’s even best to check with your doctor what’s best and safe for you especially when it comes to allergies during pregnancy.
Here are top five foods every pregnant woman should stay off.
1. Raw or under-cooked eggs
Raw eggs usually contains harmful bacteria which will definitely make you uncomfortable during pregnancy and it can also cause food poisoning. Possibly even lead to diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weaker immune system and high temperature.
2. Unwashed fruits and vegetables
It’s not advisable to take fruits without proper washing during pregnancy, some fruits are planted with fertilizers which could be harmful to you. Rinse fruits properly with clean water and if possible peel off the first layers and cook the vegetables in the appropriate manner. Vegetable juices gotten from restaurants may carry bacterial as well, stay away from canned veggies instead opt for fresh veggies.
3. Excess Caffeine
Avoid foods that contain caffeine, excessive caffeine can increase your level of miscarriage. Avoid diet soda, alcohol and soft drinks instead opt for decaffeinated drinks during pregnancy. Some research shows that caffeine is associated with infant deaths. Caffeine is also found in energy drinks and tea.
READ >> 9 Types Of Food You Should Eat When Pregnant
4. Sugary Foods
Stay away from sugary foods such as iced cakes, biscuits, sweets, ice cream, chocolates and sweetened beverages. Go for sugar-free foods such as grapefruits, pear, apple, dates. Sugar increases preterm labor, excessive weight gain, gestational diabetes, risk of metabolic syndrome in babies.
5. Fatty Foods
Avoid hydrogenated fats, fast food snacks, margarine, cookies, butter, frozen pizza, fried foods to avoid the risk of heart disease or obesity. You can go ahead to discuss fat-free foods with your doctor and get better recommendations.
Stay away from anything processed, fatty excess carb, artificial sweeteners and excess sugar. Use natural sugar but in moderation and prescribed by your doctor.
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