11 Fun Activities Your Children Can Get Busy With This Holiday Season

The holiday season is here and its Christmas, your children are going to be home all day. We know you would need to keep your children busy one way or the other.

ALSO READ: Get Your Daughter Looking Beautiful This Christmas Season In These 12 Gorgeous Hairstyles

If you’re tired of repeating the same activity with your kids during the holidays? Here’s a variety of activities you can try out this holiday season with your children.

1.Play inside games like hiding and seek with your children.

2.Go for a drive in the car: You can drive your kids around your city, this will make them familiar with their environment.

3.Let your child visit a friend’s house (or invite a friend over to play at your place). This will help them build friendships and let them know you support their friendships.

4.Have a movie night at your house. You can make your own popcorn cups by making a cone shape with a piece of paper and taping it together.

5.You can tell your kids stories at night while watching a full moonlight or the stars.

6.Make your kids learn new skills: Look for workshops in art and drama you can enrol your kids during the holiday.

7.Go for a train ride: Many Nigerian kids do not have an experience of this. However, with recent development in the railway system, this should be a must try.

8.Teach your children how to properly ride a bicycle. Don’t forget to buy the safety kits alongside the bicycle.

9.Create a Puppet show at home: You can make your own puppet show at home too! All you need do is to collect socks you´re no longer using and get creative with it.

10.Play board games like Scrabble and Chess with your kids to help them improve their thinking capacity and vocabulary.

11.Go window shopping with your kids. However, before doing this, make sure you have some persuasive skills to pacify your child when he sees things he likes and can’t get them.

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