If You Have Been Lying To Your Partner, These Are The 7 Things You Should Expect

As hard as it may be to believe, lying to your partner may hurt them more even when you are trying to shield them by not telling the truth.

We all lie for one reason or the other. Most times we tell ourselves it is because we are trying to protect our partner’s feelings. In such cases, we are usually only trying to avoid arguments.

Maintaining integrity in your relationship by lying is not a good foundation way to build your love life on because when the sh**t hits the fan, everything in its path will be tainted.

Although we know lying causes harm in the long run, here are 7 that are detrimental to your relationship

1. Lies erodes trust

This is the most obvious reason why telling a lie is never the answer to your problems. Once you are caught lying, it would be very difficult to prove you trustworthiness in the future.

2. Lying shows a lack of respect

Telling the truth to your partner no matter how difficult it is shows that you respect him and your relationship. It builds in your partner the sense of knowing that you are around for the long hull despite the flaws you see because you were willing to point them out.

3. Lying puts undue tension and anticipation on your relationship

Once  you have been caught lying one, most times, your partner will be on the look out for when its going to happen again; even when they are not doing it intentionally. Being caught at lying does a lot of damage to your relationship in the sense that you and your partner are under pressure to avoid slip-up which leads to even more.

4. Lying shows selfishness

When someone lies, it shows that they are only concerned about themselves and not the person that is being lied to.In a relationship, you have to consider yourself and your partner and lying forfeits that.

5. Lying makes your partner feel deceived

The moment your partner realizes that he has been lied to, you make him feel like a fool for believing a lie. Simply put yourself in his shoes before hiding the truth.

6. You fool yourself as well by lying

Most times we do not realise that by lying to others we lie to ourselves as well. When you tell a lie,you deprive yourself the opportunity to reveal your real wants and desires.

7. Lying is a chain reaction

When you tel a lie, you need about 10 more after that all in a bid to cover your tracks. Lying is a never ending cycle. Eve when you get away with it once, the next time you are more inclined to lie again. And if you are caught lying, you have practically giving your partner the leeway to do the same.


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