9 Things Every Woman Who Wants A Flawless Skin Should Do

flawless skin

Every woman wants to have flawless skin, free of blemish and spots and this is totally possible although a lot of time, money, and dedication is involved.

Here are 9 daily habits of women who have flawless skin that you can learn from.

1. She uses the correct cleanser for her skin type.

how to achieve flawless skin

It is best to know your skin type and choose the right cleanser that would work best for you. For women with oily or acne-prone skin, a salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide cleanser works great. For dry mature skin, use a moisturizing glycolic or milky cleanser.

2. She maintains a healthy diet.

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Great skin starts from the inside. You might spend a lot of money and time investing in skincare products and still not get results. This is because what you eat also affects the condition of your skin. Eat a lot of vegetables and cut down on carbohydrates.

3. She moisturizes every day and night.

Moisturizing is a very important step in a woman’s skincare routine. It helps to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.

The best times to moisturize are right after you get out of the shower and right before you go to bed. Find a moisturizer that is gentle enough for everyday use with zero irritation.

4. Her fingers should not touch her face.

Our hands do a lot of things on a daily basis and there are so many hidden germs we can’t see. To avoid spreading those germs to your face, keep your fingers away from your face.

5. She doesn’t use too many products.

Using too many products at once on the skin does more harm than good to the skin. Avoid being a product junkie. Take time out to use one product at a time and stick with the one that works best for you.

6. She exfoliates a couple of times per week.

Exfoliation is another important part of one’s skincare routine. It helps to get rid of dead skin cells and excess oils. Exfoliating is not limited to the face, extend the love to your whole body.

7.  She cleans her makeup brushes regularly.

Makeup brushes actually hold a lot of dirt and bacteria. To fight infection and clogged pores ensure you wash your concealer and foundation brushes once a week. For other brushes, once a month is fine.

 8. She applies a face mask weekly.

The right face mask can help hydrate skin, remove excess oils, and help improve the appearance of your pores. So incorporate this step into your skincare routine.


There are several easy and inexpensive face masks available in the market and even in your kitchen.

READ:  Use This Papaya And Honey Face Mask To Get Rid Of Acne Permanently

9. She gets enough sleep.

how to achieve flawless skin

Getting enough sleep each night does your skin a great deal. The skin cells repair themselves while we sleep so when you get at least 8 hours of sleep be sure that your skin would feel great and thank you later.


Ebun Bello is a Content Writer by Day and Fashion Enthusiast every other time. She's passionate about Digital Media, Women's Fashion and Everything In Between!