Whiteheads are a common form of acne that often appears as a white bump under the skin’s surface. They generally appear when the skin pores get clogged, and there are a few specific reasons why this happens. Sometimes, hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause lead to whiteheads because of the higher production of sebum which causes clogged pores....
Did you know that spending too much time with your partner is not entirely a good idea? Relationship experts advocate for spending quality time with your partner, however, the downside is if you’re never apart, it might harm your relationship. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t be spending too much time with your partner. 1. You deserve alone time Whether...
We all like to smell nice all day long, but do you know some perfume hacks you probably didn’t know about? Sometimes it can feel like your perfume has disappeared the moment you put it on. There are so many factors that cause perfume to fade off quickly but not to worry there are solutions that work. It is all...
Entrepreneurship is not an easy route and it’s not for everyone. Being a female entrepreneur means that you are ready to deal with challenges, struggles, and sometimes failure. Starting a company or business surely has its ups and downs, but one thing that can help you get through is hearing from those who have also been in your shoes at...
A list of Nigerian female celebrities who are authors. Female celebrities in Nigeria are doing amazingly well and it is no surprise that when they venture into other fields, they excel. These women are not only talented but have also had the opportunity to showcase their writing skills as they have successfully published books. From writing memoirs to self-help books,...
Cleaning your makeup brushes just got easier with these household items. Gone are the days when women used powder puffs to apply their makeup. Makeup brushes are a great investment for women who want to apply beauty products flawlessly. Like every effective tool makeup brushes require proper maintenance. This is because dirty makeup brushes can cause damage to your skin...
The Ankara fabric can never go out of style. Not only is it colorful and vibrant yet also versatile. Gone are the days when Ankara was strictly limited to clothing. Today, so many amazing things are being made from Ankara. Ankara bags became the rave a few years ago and they are still very much trendy. When it comes...
Today, August 13th is International Left-Handers Day. Reports have shown that about eleven percent of the world’s population is left-handed. Left-handed children might seem different and as a parent, they might seem difficult to raise. But this is no reason to panic or fret. People who are left-handed have turned out to be among the smartest individuals, think Oprah and...
Asaana is a popular local Ghanaian drink made from fermented corn and caramelized sugar. It’s refreshing on a hot day and it tastes really great. It is also referred to as Elewonyo in other parts of Ghana and known in many countries as corn beer drink. This drink is a staple at most Ghanaian events such as weddings, naming ceremonies,...
The rainy season is here again in Nigeria and this calls for extra preparation in order not to be caught unawares. Nigerian women like to look good in every weather and for this reason, the rain is not allowed to get in their way. You don’t want that beautiful hairdo to get wet nor do you want your shoes to...
Hello!! My name is Anu
I'm a passionate digital media strategist and the creative mind behind FabWoman. My goal is to inspire and empower millennial women across Africa to live their most fabulous lives. Through FabWoman, I create engaging content that covers everything from fashion and beauty to health and lifestyle. When I'm not working, you'll find me exploring the latest trends, enjoying good food, and staying fit. Let's make every day fabulous together!