Looking For A Fast And Easy Way To Peel Beans, Then Watch This Video!

How To Peel The Back Of Beans

One of the best method of peeling beans  is by rubbing the soaked beans between your palms till all the coat has come off of the beans seeds. This method is quite tedious and can take hours on end.

However, more women have come out to testify to being able to peel beans in another way, without following the most common method.

Procedure on how to peel beans:

1. Soak the beans in cool water till you can easily get the beans coat off by rubbing the seeds with your fingers. You will notice that the coat is baggy and separated from the beans seed.

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2. If you leave it for too long in the water, it will become more difficult to remove the coat from the beans.

3. Once you have confirmed that the seeds are ready for the beans coat removal, drain the water from the beans else the seeds will continue to soak up more water.

4. Then scoop a small quantity of the seeds into a mortar that has some friction.

5. Use a pestle to rub the beans seeds against the insides of the mortar and watch as the coats come off the seeds. The very smooth mortars will not work here because you need the friction to get the coat off the beans.

6. Repeat this process for all the beans seeds and put the removed ones in a large bowl when done.

7. Pour a generous quantity of water into the bowl such that the beans coat are separated from the seeds and they float on the water.

8. Seperate the floating beans peel, pour more water and decant. Repeat the process till all the free beans coats have been removed. You may have some stubborn beans coats that did not come off the beans seeds. Hand-pick these, place in a mortar and rub off the coats with a pistle.

9. Wash as before till you have clean completely coatless beans.

Watch this video to get more knowledge

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