Pregnancy Stress Tips

Are You Single And Pregnant? These 6 Tips Will Help You Pull Through

Pregnancy is not an easy experience, most especially when you are an unmarried pregnant lady.  It can be frustrating, nerve-racking, and plain terrifying.

Most single ladies who get pregnant immediately get scared because they see the baby as a liability and they perhaps do not have any means of support but this does not have to be so.

Below are some tips for pregnant single ladies:

1. Find Some Support

The one thing that single mothers lack, is the support of a partner. That is mostly it. It may not sound huge, but it can make pregnancy extra tough for single women. To replace a partner, you will need a support system to help you throughout pregnancy and motherhood.

This support system could consist of friends, family, and strangers online. You will need people you can turn to for reassurance and sympathy after a tough day, and people to share your hopes and dreams with- people who are good at providing emotional and physical support to you as and when necessary.

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2. Accept Help when offered

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. All you need is for you and your baby to be happy and healthy, and that means you might need to accept help every now and then from kind people who offer.

If you are suffering from morning sickness, accept your neighbor’s offer of doing your laundry. If your back aches in your third trimester, accept all offers of neighbor’s buying foodstuff and doing other high-intensity household duties. You need to take care of yourself first, in order to take care of your baby.

3. Get Financial Help

Single parents are entitled to financial help in some countries. You may be eligible for the single parenting payment depending on what state you are in. You may also be eligible to receive some support from the father of the baby.

Whether you feel you need the money or not, it is always worth finding out exactly what could fetch you money, and how much this would amount to.

4. Make your doctor your friend

Ask your doctor for advice about your financial options and where to find out more about the financial help that might be available to you. Doctors know more than you think and when you find a good one, make him or her a confidant; talk about your problems and let them know whatever is bothering you and how to help.

5. Focus on staying positive

While it’s true that some aspects of pregnancy will be more difficult alone, there are some positives to facing parenthood by yourself. For starters, you won’t need to compromise on names.

Nobody is going to approve or discard the baby names you love, or force names you hate into the options. You’ll also get to choose how to raise your child and won’t need to compromise on parenting styles.

6. Keep believing in yourself

All pregnant women feel scared at some point. Your life is about to change, you are about to become a mother and we know how scary that can be. There’s nothing wrong with feeling worried about motherhood. It is, however, important to stay positive.

When you start feeling low, remind yourself that you will be an amazing mother, and you will be a great role model in independence for your child. Also know that having a partner doesn’t make you a better parent, and you’ll do an amazing job all by yourself.

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