“My Music Is More Important To Me Than My Dressing” – Simi Opens Up In New Interview

Simi Interview With Punch

Sultry singer, Simi sat down to have a chat with Punch and she opened up on her style, her mother’s recent wedding and what she thinks of rude fans.

Simi’s Style Is Not The Conventional Style And This Is Why

We have some excerpts below:

Talking about her mother’s wedding

“It was a wonderful experience. Seeing my mother so happy was something I definitely enjoyed. I wish her and her husband best of luck in their marital journey.”

On the success of her sophomore album

“My last album, generated a lot of amazing responses and it really humbled me. It truly pays for one to be consistent and stay true to your roots. The album contains songs for everybody and different moods and I’m happy that people are still discovering messages from the album.”

On what she thinks about those who insults her dress sense.

“A lot of people have expressed their views about my dress sense on social media. Sometimes, I ‘humour’ them. You can express yourself on my page but don’t be rude or insulting.

Some of the people, who make those comments, are just full of hate and they just go all around the Internet, looking for where to spread their hate. I am comfortable in my own skin and I just want to keep making good music and connect with my true fans.”

On her style

“I believe that everybody is entitled to their opinions. Some people may say that they don’t like my dress, shoes or any other thing. I don’t find that surprising or strange because there are also a lot of dresses and shoes that I don’t like. I like to be comfortable in whatever I wear and that is what dictates my outfits.”
