These Are The Best And Most Effective Ways To Care For Your Baby’s Skin

Skin Care Routine For Babies

New parents should be extremely careful about their baby’s skin needs, and must use products that are natural and free of any chemical additives that may cause harm to the baby’s skin.

Babies are born with very gentle and fragile skin. New parents are often concerned about their baby’s skin, which is not surprising. A baby’s skin is very sensitive and he/she may probably develop rashes and skin issues if proper skin care is not practiced.

Below are a few ways to  care for a baby’s skin:

1. Bathing

Parents prefer to bathe their child every day. It is better to use shampoo and soaps which do not cause an allergic reaction to the baby. Wash your baby’s skin with lukewarm water and a gentle soap. Your baby’s roomshould be warm and all air conditioners or fans should be switched off to avoid the chill.

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Do not try any new product on your baby’s skin. Do not use any antibacterial soaps as they may be too harsh for the sensitive skin of the baby.

It is also best to wipe the baby using natural cotton and smooth towels to ensure gently take out the moisture out of the skin there by staying away from unexpected scratch.


2. Powdering

You need to be even more careful while choosing a powder for your baby. Choose products that are made specifically for babies and avoid using powders that have fragrances and other chemicals as they may irritate our baby’s sensitive skin.

3. Nappies and Diapers

The diapers that are used for babies are actually helpful for keeping the baby clean and fresh. However, certain diapers may also irritate the baby’s skin and may causes rashes or infections. It is best to change the diaper as soon as you find your baby has soiled it.

If you find that skin is irritated at the diaper area, choose another brand as your baby has a diaper rash. Remember to change your baby’s diaper as soon as she soils it, because letting it stay for too long can also  cause infections.

Diaper rashes often occur due to skin irritation due to wet diaper left on for too long, too-tight diapers or due to the use of a specific soap, wipes or a diaper.

4. Skin Problems

Generally, lots of babies have birthmarks (areas of skin have a slight discoloration) and this condition is not hereditary. Parents need not worry about birthmarks, as they cause absolutely no harm to the baby and needs no treatment.

Eczema is a red, itchy rash that may or may not occur in response to a cause. It usually occurs on the baby’s face, elbow, arms or behind knees, chest. If the child’s family has a past record of allergies, asthma or skin issues, the baby may be at a risk of getting affected by eczema. Use mild soaps and apply soft amounts of moisturizers.

5. Dry Skin

If your baby has dry skin, use a natural moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated, soft and supple. Virgin coconut oil or she butter is a favorite.

Avoid bathing your baby too often, as it may sap the vital nutrients from the skin, leaving it dull and dry.

During your baby’s first month, gently sponge her with plain water two or three times a week; this should keep the baby clean while preventing her skin from losing its natural moisture.

Use the best skin care products made especially for babies. Be careful if baby is allergic to any products like bath gels, shampoos and lotions.

6. General Baby Skin Care Tips

The newborn baby skin is very delicate and so is their immune system, so mothers should know these general skin care routine for babies.

  • Babies should not be exposed to direct sunlight until they are 6 months old. The tender skin of the baby can be protected with long-sleeved tops, pants and caps.
  • Make sure that your little one’s new outfits are clean.
  •  Loose clothes and cool environment are all you need to treat from prickly heat rashes
  • Chemical detergents, talcum powders and certain baby products can cause skin irritation, rashes, dryness

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