Signs That Shows You Have A Stingy Partner

7 Obvious Signs That You Are Dating A Stingy Man

The notion that a relationship is not a job opportunity has turned some men into becoming overly parsimonious; i.e, getting a kobo from them can be likened to getting a miracle. In recent time, many dudes would make a boastful statement to their friends that they have never given a kobo to a lady in the course of the relationship …

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Relationship Tips

5 Things To Consider Before Saying ‘Yes’ To That Potential Boyfriend

Are you contemplating going into a relationship and still worried about if you are making the right choice? There is no need to be. Relationships these days take more than they used to- more care, attention, and love and before you go into one, you should be very sure. Here are a few things to consider before going into one …

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9 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Relationships And How To Stop It

If you’re not thrilled about your dating prospects lately, it’s easy to blame everyone and everything else or that You’re not meeting enough people. Or the people you’re meeting are liars, cheats, losers, and unserious people. Or perhaps you’re disgusted with the process of modern dating. Or maybe it’s social media’s fault. The good news is that you might be …

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