Stuck in Traffic? Do Any Of These 5 Things To Pass Time


Traffic in Nigeria is one of the most annoying things to sit through. It is even more annoying when you are on your way to work and all the cars just seem to be stuck in place.

Also, read 11 Steps To Achieving Productivity At The Start Of The Week

If you live in Lagos or any other major city in Nigeria, then you know that the traffic is out of this world sometimes. This can cause us to be impatient and restless but none of those two things will make the traffic go any faster.

Here are 5 things you can do when you are stuck in traffic.

1. Read a book

Yes, if there is a book you have been trying to finish for the longest time, you can read it while you are stuck in traffic. If it is too noisy, you can plug your ears without playing any music, this would help to reduce the external noise.

If you are a student, this can help you to revise for your class, especially if you commute a long distance to school. It can be a helpful ritual you can start that will help you be more prepared for class.

2. Send those emails

You know those emails that we dread sending to our boss or annoying co-worker? This is the right time to send them. Don’t think too hard about it, just whip out your phone and send the mail. It will save you the time and effort of doing it when you get to work.

3. Call your mother

If you don’t live with your parents then you know that guilty conscience feeling you get when you don’t call them. It’s worse when they are the ones always calling you to check up on you. If traffic is not so noisy, whip out your phone and give your mum a quick call.

It would lighten your mood and would take away that guilty feeling and it would brighten your day and hers.

4. Check your to-do list

This is a good time to check all the things you have to do for the day. If its morning traffic, you can list the things you need to do at work and plan ahead.

In the evening, you can look over what is left for you to do for the day and tick those that you have done.

5. Listen to music

This one is the one that many people already do. Music has the ability to transcend us to a different reality. If you are in an annoying traffic, you can take out your phone and listen to songs that make you happy and calm. If you also follow podcasts and listen to audiobooks, this is a good time to catch up on them.



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