Marriage is a very beautiful thing- especially when it is a union of two beautiful, imperfect people who came together to make things work and have a wonderful time being man and wife, brother and sister and best friends.
This does not mean that things will always be rosy or that the union would be perfect. It means that each of you have to give it your best to make it work.
In regard to this, here are 5 things a woman can do to make her home have a firm hold.
1. Your husband comes next after God
Regardless of your belief system, your husband should come before your kids and parents. Now unless you’re married to someone who is abusive, no man in his right mind would ask you to put your kids aside to serve his every need while neglecting them.
There will also come a time when your kids will leave the house to pursue their dreams as adults. If you have not cultivated a lasting relationship with your spouse, you will have both empty nests and empty hearts.
2. Forgive
No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. If you make forgiveness a habit – for everything from major mistakes to little annoyances – you will always have to forgive each other for something, no matter ow minute it is- you will keep resentment from growing.
3. Over-communicate
Men are not wired like women, and they do not always know that they’ve been insensitive. So we should keep growing in this area and always remember that lack of communication can kill a relationship.
4. Schedule a regular date night
This one isn’t new, but it’s very important. Never stop dating your spouse. Even if you can’t afford dinner and a movie, spending some time with your spouse is very key. Don’t talk about bills, or schedules, or the kids.Just spend the time loving up on each other.
5. Learn his love language
Everyone has a love language. The way you perceive love is often different from the way your spouse perceives love. Does he like words of affirmation, or does he respond better when you give him gifts? Whatever his love language is – learn it and ensure you use it.
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