Here’s How To Use Twitter To Land Your Next Job

Most people rely on just LinkedIn and job websites for job search which is actually justifiable since they’re both the most popular way to search or track recruiters. Social media is one of the most effective tools to get a job in this century if it is well utilized. One of the social media tools, we’ll be looking at today is Twitter.

Twitter is a world where you get the juiciest and trending stories across the country. Most youths are right on Twitter but do you know it can be used for a job search? Yes! It can. A lot of job seeking people don’t think of Twitter in terms of job search.

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This post will show you how to use Twitter to increase your job search online.

1.Market Your Skills

Who says you can only display your skills on Linkedin because it’s a space for employers. You can also do the same on Twitter, it allows you to market yourself. Leverage on Twitter and display skills by commenting on tweets relevant to your industry. Also, try to always share links that’ll help people form sound opinions about industry topics trending on the platform.

2. Stay Up-To-Date On Industry Trends And Your Target Organization

When you are in job search mode, you need to be up-to-date with any news in your industry like the latest skills you need to get to land that dream job. For you to achieve this, you have to be following a couple of companies or brand in that industry. You can also get a good sense of the organization’s culture by following them on Twitter.

3. Connect With Industry Experts And CEOs

If there is a particular company or job you are interested in, one way to utilize Twitter is to make connections by “following” an organization’s (or employees who work for that organization) Twitter feed. On Twitter, in most instances, you can easily follow that thought leader, CEO, or hiring manager and get a first-hand account of the types of things they are “tweeting.” This gives you an opportunity to engage directly with them or at the least gives you some background about the kind of things they are discussing, retweeting, and promoting.

4. Use It As A Work-At-Home Job Search Engine

Twitter can be a powerful and effective search tool as much as it gives updated information about happenings around the world. You can search for important players within the organization. You can search what others may be saying about the organization you are interested in (from both a customer and employee perspective).

You can also search specifically for jobs. This is where hashtags come in useful. Searching terms like #remotework, #digitalnomad, #telecommute, #remotejobs, #telecommutejobs, or other variations will help you to find that dream jobs.

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