Whiten Your Teeth With Charcoal In These Simple Steps


Your teeth may not be as pure and white as they were when you started growing them.

You are even more worried about the increasing yellow or brown colours on your teeth.

However, there is a way to eliminate those colours on your teeth.

Brushing teeth with activated charcoal has yielded many positive results.

You should, however, know the steps for the best results.

Here is how you whiten your teeth with charcoal:

1. Wet your toothbrush

Ensure the entire brush is covered with water for best results.

2. Place toothbrush on a platform

When trying to pour your charcoal on your toothbrush, place it on a napkin, towel or tissue paper so it doesn’t stain the surroundings.

ALSO READ: Looking For That Strong White Teeth? Then Try These 5 Home Remedies

3. Put activated charcoal on toothbrush

Sprinkle the activated charcoal on your wet toothbrush so it can stay.

4. Brush with activated charcoal lightly

You have to brush your teeth lightly with the charcoal so that hard particles would not scratch your teeth or damage your gums.

Also, be careful not to allow the charcoal to touch your gum so much, in case your gum is delicate.

5. Keep brushing within 5 minutes

Take note of the time that your brush is in your mouth. Ensure it’s up to 5 minutes before you stop brushing. Rinse and see your results.



Yinka is a Creative Content Writer for FabWoman. She creates content on women, beauty, health, and lifestyle for our social media. She also writes articles, product descriptions, stories, and screenplays. Outside of work, Yinka volunteers for charity and events relating to women, art, film, and professions. She dances salsa, hip-hop, contemporary and traditional dance for events and competitions. Yinka loves cats and rabbits.