9 Important Things You Should Know Before You Go Checking His Phone

before you check this phone

Relationships are not perfect and there are times when you get the instinct that your partner is being shady or cheating on you.

The natural solution may be to check his phone. But before you do, you should know these 9 things;

1. If you snoop, you don’t trust yourself

Snooping means you lack trust in yourself. People will say that it is the other person that they do not trust, but in snooping, we are actually feeling like we are not enough. When someone looks through their partner’s text messages, emails, notebooks, and the like, they’re worried that they’re not enough (or too much, perhaps), and feel the need to search for validation. Not good.

2. Snooping is a gateway behavior

3. Snooping always brings pain

The hard truth is that there is never a positive outcome from snooping; it can only hurt. When you snoop, there is a fundamental problem which is that you don’t trust your partner. You may find something incriminating that won’t make you feel good.

Or you don’t find anything and are left wondering if they just did a good job of hiding it, or [if] you need to look harder — and you’re now proving yourself to be the untrustworthy one.

4. If you snoop, you’re the culprit

When you feel compelled to snoop, you’re acting from fear, doubt, insecurity, and distrust. These all erode the core foundations of love and trust that support a relationship in being solid. The moment you snoop, you become untrustworthy.

If you have a real reason to believe that your partner is being shady, talk to them directly. Be in reality and stay out of negative imagination.

5. Snooping is toxic

Snooping is a sign that you have a serious trust issue that you are not addressing openly and honestly with your partner. It is a violation of privacy and trust that often results from a belief that a partner is being less than honest and trustworthy. It can also occur due to toxic jealousy that has no basis.

6. Two wrongs don’t make a right

Violating your partner’s privacy (and likely trust as well) is never OK, even if you feel justified ‎in order to prove a lie or to discover that they are hiding something from you. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Tell your partner what your gut is saying and ask to go through the emails together.

7. It leads to misunderstandings

Snooping breaks the level of trust that is important in relationships. If the tables were reversed, how would you feel if your partner was looking through your information?

It can lead to misunderstandings. While snooping, you might not read the entire conversation and jump to conclusions; then you would look like an ass once you found out the entire meaning.

8. Your partner will feel violated

Even if you discover that your partner is completely on the up and up, by spying, you have committed a violation of the highest magnitude upon your partner. If you feel that this is the only way you can find out about what your partner is doing, know that the trust is gone; therefore your relationship is in serious trouble.

9. Snooping can result in a breakup

Here’s what happens when you snoop, plain and simple: You break your partner’s trust in a way that will never be the same. You are letting them know that you love them, but do not trust them, and may never. If you’re happy with your partner, re-think things before going through their private stuff.

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