10 Body Language Signs That Show He Is Interested In More Than Friendship With You

Men some times have difficulty expressing how they feel just the same way women do but there are give-away body language signs that may indicate that he is interested in more than friendship with you.

Probably you have had an inkling for a while that he might be into you but he has neither confirmed nor denied your suspicions, then these signs he will unconsciously give off is what you should watch out for.

Although you can not 100 percent guarantee his feelings based on his body language, you can easily know through these signs if there is anything worth looking forward to with him.

1. His pupils grow larger

Watch his eyes, if his pupils become larger when you are in each others presence without it being a dark environment, then most likely is into you. Our pupils dilate when we are excited at what we see, so that may be the case.

2. He stands close to you

Except he is a creepy person whom you should watch out for, when a guy stands close to you, he is unconsciously stating that he wants to be close to you.

3. He smiles with his whole face

That may sound strange but when a guy is genuinely into you, he finds everything you say immensely entertaining. His smiles won’t just stop at his mouth, it will reach his eyes giving him a squinty eye look.

4. His eyes are focused on you as a whole not on parts

Men really can’t hide their attraction well, so when a guy gives you his total attention especially when you are talking, it means what you have to say matters and you matter. And he will do it without leering at you or ogling parts of your body.

5. He leans towards you when you talk

Irrespective of whether or not your environment is noisy, a guy leaning towards you while you are talking is subconsciously showing he is into you and is focused on everything about you at that moment.

6. He touches you when he talks

A guy would normally not touch you without your permission, but he does it could be that he is trying to see how open you are to him as a person.

7. He takes a deep breath when  he sees you

We know as humans, we need to breath but the breathing we are talking about here is different. When a guy who likes you sees you, he unconsciously takes a deep breath and adjusts his stature to look taller and his shoulder broader. Without knowing, he is trying to attract.

8. His voice deepens when he talks to you

Another subconscious trait men display when they like a woman is the deepening of their voice. Its is a natural way of showing masculinity in women.

9. He shields you when there is possible threat

When a man is into you, his protective instincts will work over time where you are concerned.

10. He puts his device away

These days, its difficult to tear people away from their phones and other gadgets, but if a guy drops his to give his undivided attention, then he most likely has feelings for you.

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